Agilent E4403B ESA-L Series Spectrum Analyzers, 9 kHz to 3.0 GHz
Remotely view and control the ESA over the Internet 8590-Series Programming Code Compatibility Multiformat RF power measurement suite Four-millisecond RF
Agilent E4407B ESA-E Series 100 Hz to 26.5 GHz Spectrum Analyzer
Remotely view and control the ESA over the Internet 8590-Series Programming Code Compatibility Modulation Analysis Measurement Personality Multiformat RF power
KEYSIGHT 35670A Signal Analyzer, 2 or 4 Channel Dyn.
The Keysight 35670A is a versatile FFT analyzer with built in source for general spectrum and network analysis, and for octave, order, and correlation analysis.
KEYSIGHT 87405C Pre-Amplifier, 0.1-18 GHz, Type-N(M) output to Type-N(F)
The Keysight 87405C preamplifier improves overall system performance and helps reduce system errors with reliable gain and low noise figure.
KEYSIGHT E4443AU Upgrade kit for E4443A Spectrum Analyzer
E4443A PSA high-performance spectrum analyzer measures and monitors complex RF signals up to 6.7 GHz.
KEYSIGHT M9391A PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer Test Set: 1 MHz to 3 GHz or 6 GHz
With raw hardware speed and the modular X-Series measurement applications, the M9391A PXI Vector Signal Analyzer delivers proven results?faster
KEYSIGHT N9010AK EXA Signal Analyzer Upgrades
The N9010A EXA is a general purpose signal analyzer; 10 Hz up to 44 GHz. The EXA signal analyzer provides a solid mix of speed and performance to 40 MHz bandwidth.
KEYSIGHT N9020AK MXA Signal Analyzer Upgrades
Option RT1 adds real-time spectrum analyzer (RTSA) capabilities up to 160 MHz bandwidth to the N9020A MXA signal analyzer. 100% probability of intercept (POI) for signals with durations as short as >15 ?s.
KEYSIGHT N9030AK PXA Signal Analyzer Upgrades
N9030A PXA high-performance X-Series signal analyzer up to 50 GHz (to 325 GHz and beyond with external mixer) ideal for applications in A/D, commercial communications and more; remote language compatibility; real-time spectrum analyzer capabilities.
KEYSIGHT N9041B UXA Signal Analyzer Extended
The N9041B UXA is a high-performance X-Series signal analyzer; 2 Hz up to 110 GHz, Ideal for wideband applications to 5 GHz, including millimeter-wave applications in A/D, commercial communications & more.