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Advantest TR5822 120MHz universal counter

Reciprocal Counting Method GO–NO GO Decisions, Scaling and Other Operations Can Be Done On Measurement Results (With TR1644)  Models

KEYSIGHT 53146A Soft carrying case for 5314X microwave counters

The 53146A is a soft carrying case for 5314xA microwave frequency counters.

KEYSIGHT 53147A 20 GHz Microwave Counter/Power Meter/DVM

Keysight 53147A is a full-featured 20 GHz continuous wave (CW) microwave frequency counter, a true power meter, and a dc DVM all in one small convenient package.

KEYSIGHT 53148A 26.5 GHz Microwave Counter/Power Meter/DVM

Keysight 53148A is a full featured 26.5 GHz CW microwave frequency counter, a true power meter, and a dc DVM all in one small, convenient package.

KEYSIGHT 53149A 46 GHz Microwave Counter/Power Meter/DVM

Keysight 53149A is a full-featured 46 GHz CW microwave frequency counter, a true power meter, and a dc DVM all in one small, convenient package.

KEYSIGHT 53150A 20 GHz Microwave Frequency Counter

Keysight 53150A is a full-featured 20 GHz CW microwave frequency counter plus power meter that is perfectly suited for bench top or ATE environments.

KEYSIGHT 53151A 26.5 GHz Microwave Frequency Counter

Keysight 53151A is a full-featured 26.5 GHz CW microwave frequency counter plus power meter that is perfectly suited for bench top or ATE environments.

KEYSIGHT 53152A 46 GHz Microwave Frequency Counter

Keysight 53152A is a full-featured 46 GHz CW microwave frequency counter plus power meter that is perfectly suited for bench top or ATE environments.

KEYSIGHT 53153A Soft carrying case for 5315X microwave counters

The 53153A is a soft carrying case for 5315xA microwave frequency counters.

KEYSIGHT 53210A RF Counter, 350 MHz, 10 digit/s, LAN, USB,GPIB

The 53210A single-channel, 350 MHz RF frequency counter is optimized to provide fast, precise frequency measurements with a simplified user interface. An optional RF channel can be added to measure 6 or 15 GHz.
