Keysight PZ2100A High-Density Precision SMU Mainframe (4 slots, 1U)
Address your growing footprint challenges and push the boundaries using 20 SMU channels within a 1U rack space. Speed time-to-market with flexible software options, simplified system integration and synchronization, and application-specific measurement capabilities.
Keysight PZ2110A High-Resolution Precision SMU (10 fA, 210 V)
Deliver precision SMU that expands precise static DC measurements with the best-in-class 10 fA resolution. Achieve fast dynamic measurements at 1.25 MSa/s sampling rate.
Keysight PZ2120A High-Speed Precision SMU (100 fA, 60 V, 1 MSa/s)
Dynamic / pulsed measurements with a narrow pulse down to 50 μs
Keysight PZ2121A High-Speed Precision SMU (100 fA, 60 V, 15 MSa/s)
Dynamic / pulsed measurements with a narrow pulse down to 10 μs
Keysight PZ2130A High-Density Precision SMU (100 pA, 30 V)
Lowest cost per channel with 5 channels/module
Keysight PZ2131A High-Density Precision SMU (10 pA, 30 V)
Use a high-channel density SMU with 5 channels per module and save space at a low cost per channel for a wide range of applications requiring numerous precision power supplies. Enable dynamic measurements at a fast sampling rate of up to 500 kSa/s.