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KEYSIGHT KS83301A BLE 4.2 signaling measurement suite

The Keysight KS83301A Bluetooth? Low Energy (BLE) 4.2 signaling Measurement Suite provides the test steps to perform essential RF parameters testing on Bluetooth LE devices such as input power, receiver sensitivity and PER measurements.

KEYSIGHT KS83302A WLAN b/g/n signaling measurement suite

The Keysight KS83302A WLAN Signaling Measurement Suite provides the test steps to perform essential RF parameters testing on devices with WLAN radios such as input power, receiver sensitivity and PER measurements.

KEYSIGHT X8711A IoT Device Functional Test Solution Set

Keysight X8711A is a cost effective over-the-air signaling test solution which tests IoT devices in actual operation mode, in its final form. It provides functional testing to ensure device quality and performance, simplifying manufacturing test.
