KEYSIGHT DSOX3ADVMATH Advanced Math Analysis for 3000X-series Oscilloscopes, fixed perpetual license
Advanced math application software for the 3000 X-Series
KEYSIGHT DSOX3PWR Power analysis application for 3000X series oscilloscopes, fixed perpetual license
Power measurement application for the 3000 X-Series oscilloscopes
KEYSIGHT DSOX6AERO MIL-STD 1553 and ARINC 429 serial triggering and analysis, fixed perpetual license
The DSO6XAERO option provides decoding and triggering MIL-STD 1553 and ARINC 429 serial buses.
KEYSIGHT DSOX6AUDIO Audio serial triggering and analysis (I2S), fixed perpetual license
The DSOX6AUDIO option uses hardware-based decoding to help you debug audio designs with the I_S bus faster.
KEYSIGHT DSOX6COMP Computer serial triggering and analysis (RS232/UART), fixed perpetual license
The DSOX6COMP serial triggering and decode option for InfiniiVision 6000 X-Series oscilloscopes displays responsive, time-aligned, on-screen decode of RS-232/422/485 and other UART serial buses.
KEYSIGHT DSOX6FLEX FlexRay serial triggering and analysis, fixed perpetual license
The DSOX6FLEX option offers integrated FlexRay serial bus triggering, hardware-based decoding, and analysis.
KEYSIGHT DSOX6JITTER Jitter analysis and clock recovery, fixed perpetual license
With the DSOX6JITTER jitter analysis option, the InfiniiVision 6000 X-Series oscilloscope can perform various types of jitter analysis measurements with multiple views and quantization of jitter.
KEYSIGHT DSOX6MASK Mask limit testing,, fixed perpetual license
The DSOX6MASK mask limit testing application for InfiniiVision 6000 X-Series oscilloscopes performs up to 130,000 real-time waveform pass/fail tests per second.
KEYSIGHT DSOX6USBFL USB 2.0 Full/Low Speed serial decode and triggering, fixed perpetual license
The DSOX6USBFL measurement option offers integrated low- and full-speed USB 2.0 serial bus triggering and hardware-based decoding.