All 16800 Series, 16901A and 16902B logic analyzers with serial number MY51420101 or greater already have the M890 motherboard in them and are already running Windows 7 operating system. All kits must be installed by the Roseville California Keysight Repair Center with the exception of additional hard drive kits that also offer an option to be customer installed. Approximate installation fees are outlined below. System performance (CPU intensive operations and IO intensive operations) will be significantly improved by the Windows 7 upgrade kits which upgrade from the M880 motherboard to the M890 motherboard. Typical improvement is around twice the performance. Upgrade kits which add additional memory to the existing M880 motherboard will yield performance similar to or slightly better than the original M880 motherboard running Windows XP but without the additional memory. There is also the E5862A additional, external removable Windows 7 bootable 500G HHD hard drive assembly available for the 16800 Series logic analyzers running Windows 7 on M890 motherboards. These 16800 Series logic analyzer must have already been set up to boot from an external drive to use the E5862A. This would be the case if they purchase the M890 motherboard upgrade kit 16800AU-MBE, or on new 16800 Series logic analyzers with option 109. For 16900 Series Windows 7 up grade kits, see 16900AU UPGRADE TO WINDOWS 7 VIA A MOTHERBOARD UPGRADE TO M890 WITH NEW INTERNAL DRIVE (For analyzers with S/N < MY51420101 which had Windows XP) Product being upgraded Model number and option Kit price Estimated installation cost Total estimated price 16800 Series 16800AU-MBN $3,495 $1,020 $4,515 UPGRADE TO WINDOWS 7 VIA ADDING MEMORY TO EXISTING M880 MOTHERBOARD WITH NEW INTERNAL DRIVE (For analyzer with S/N MY46000101-MY51420100) Product being upgraded Model number and option Kit price Estimated installation cost Total estimated price 16800 Series 16800AU-W7N $1,495 $900 $2,395 UPGRADE TO WINDOWS 7 VIA A MOTHERBOARD UPGRADE TO M890 WITH NEW EXTERNAL DRIVE (For analyzers with S/N < MY51420101 which had Windows XP) Product being upgraded Model number and option Kit price Estimated installation cost Total estimated price 16800 Series 16800AU-MBE $3,495 $960 $4,455 UPGRADE TO WINDOWS 7 VIA ADDING MEMORY TO EXISTING M880 MOTHERBOARD WITH NEW EXTERNAL DRIVE (For analyzer with S/N MY46000101-MY51420100) Product being upgraded Model number and option Kit price Estimated installation cost Total estimated price 16800 Series 16800AU-W7E $1,495 $840 $2,335 See below for extra external HDDs and extra removable HDDs ADDITIONAL EXTERNAL/REMOVEABLE HDDs FOR M880 MOTHERBOARD UNITS ALREADY UPGRADED to WINDOWS 7 (For analyzers with S/N MY46000101-MY51420100) Product being upgraded Model number and option Kit price Estimated installation cost Total estimated price 16800 Series 16800AU-W7A $1,295 $300 $1,595 ADDITIONAL EXTERNAL/REMOVEABLE HDDs FOR M890 MOTHERBOARD UNITS ALREADY UPGRADED to WINDOWS 7 Product being upgraded Model number Kit price Estimated installation cost Total estimated price 16800 Series E5862A $1,295 $0 $1,295 * 16800 Series logic analyzers with serial numbers MY46000101-MY46000999 have the Intel 915GUX motherboard and cannot use either the 16800AU-W7N or 16800AU-W7E upgrade kits since they are for the M880 motherboard. The 16800AU-W7E cannot be used to upgrade a 16800 Series logic analyzer from using an internal drive to an external drive. ** 16901 Series logic analyzers with serial numbers MY46000101-MY46000399 have the Intel 915GUX motherboard and cannot use either the 16900AU-W7N or 16900AU-W7E upgrade kits since they are for the M880 motherboard. The 16900AU-W7E cannot be used to convert a 16901A modular logic analyzer frame from using an internal drive to an external drive. *** This option requires that the 16800AU-W7E has already been applied to the 16800 Series logic analyzer to increase its RAM to 4G, and which is necessary in order to run Windows 7. The 16800AU-W7A cannot be used to convert a 16800 Series logic analyzer from using an internal drive to using an external drive. If ordered separately from the 16800AU-W7E, a customer can choose to either have the spare drive shipped to the customer site for self-installation, including license installation, or have the drive installed at the service center. Installation charge for single drive, purchased alone, is $660. The installation charge is $300 per additional drive, or when combined with other upgrades.