N5182B MXG X-Series RF vector high performance signal generators are fine-tuned to be your ?golden transmitter? in R&D with 9 kHz to 6 GHz frequency coverage. Simulate real-world signals with real-time capabilities with Signal Studio software.
The Keysight 81160A is a 330 MHz pulse generator, 500 MHz function arbitrary generator with 2.5 GSa/s Sampling clock and 14 bit vertical resolution. The unique functionality increases test efficiency and confidence in the measurements
The E8663D is a high-performance analog signal generator with high output power, low phase noise, and tunes over a frequency range from 100 kHz to 9 GHz for radar systems, satellite evaluation, and when a low noise local oscillator is required.
M9393A PXIe performance vector signal analyzer provides high-speed signal analysis for spurious & harmonics testing and demodulation with up to 160 MHz analysis bandwidth.