CXPI (Clock Extension Peripheral Interface) is the next-generation automotive communication protocol intended to reduce the number and weight of wiring harnesses by making multiplexing possible even in advanced, multifunction HMI (human machine interface) automotive systems. In many cases, CXPI is an alternative serial bus used in place of many of today’s LIN serial bus applications for automotive body control. Keysight’s CXPI option (DSOXT3CXPI) for InfiniiVision 3000T X-Series oscilloscopes provides decoding of standard and long CXPI frames, and also offers extensive triggering selections, including the ability to trigger on various error conditions that can accelerate the engineer’s efficiency in debugging this bus. Keysight’s InfiniiVision 3000T X-Series oscilloscope can decode two serial buses simultaneously using hardware-based decoding. It is the only scope on the market that can also display the captured data from multiple buses in a time-interleaved “lister” display. This allows correlation of data being passed through gateways, such as CAN to CXPI. This measurement application option works on all InfiniiVision 3000T X-Series 2-channel and 4-channel DSO and MSO models.