The 85562A 4-in-1 mechanical calibration standard combines an open, short, load, and through standard in a compact unit. The product is small, easy to handle, and light weight. All standards in the 85562A are male 2.92 mm.
4-in-1 OSLT Mechanical Calibration Kit, DC to 40 GHz, 2.92 mm (m). The 85562A is well-suited for use with the FieldFox analyzer. The product is small, easy to handle, and light weight. All standards in the 85562A are male 2.92 mm.
The 85562A 4-in-1 mechanical calibration standard combines an open, short, load, and through standard in a compact unit. The product is small, easy to handle, and light weight. All standards in the 85562A are male 2.92 mm.
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