PCIe is the next generation of PCI and offers unsurpassed speed and performance, making PCIe cards an ideal choice for many computer platforms and automation applications. It is full backward compatible with PCI-configured software or coding, removing the need to reconfigure any code. The 82351B is highly flexible with plug-and-play configuration and low profile PC with a bracket change. Counterfeits of this or closely related products have been found in the market. To ensure you are purchasing an authentic Keysight product with the quality and performance you expect, purchase through Keysight authorized distribution partners. Click on the “How to Buy or Rent” button, above, to find authorized distribution partners. For Infiniium V-Series Oscilloscope ” Contact the nearest Keysight’s service center or visit to purchase a V-Series Profile Bracket (54919-00105) which is a necessary additional part for upgrade of 82351B PCIe-GPIB Interface Card.”