KEYSIGHT E5053A Microwave downconverter
26.5 GHz microwave downconverter designed to operate with the E5052A/B Signal Source Analyzer. 110 GHz phase noise combined with millimeter wave mixers.
KEYSIGHT M9391A PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer Test Set: 1 MHz to 3 GHz or 6 GHz
With raw hardware speed and the modular X-Series measurement applications, the M9391A PXI Vector Signal Analyzer delivers proven results?faster
KEYSIGHT M9393A PXIe Performance Vector Signal Analyzer Test Set
M9393A PXIe performance vector signal analyzer provides high-speed signal analysis for spurious & harmonics testing and demodulation with up to 160 MHz analysis bandwidth.
KEYSIGHT M9950A Software Extension License for Modular Instruments
Extends Keysight Signal Studio software licensing beyond 4-channels for the Keysight M9381A PXIe vector signal generator. Add the Keysight M9950A Option 1TP to enable up to 8 PXI VSG channels with one Signal Studio license.
KEYSIGHT N9020AK MXA Signal Analyzer Upgrades
Option RT1 adds real-time spectrum analyzer (RTSA) capabilities up to 160 MHz bandwidth to the N9020A MXA signal analyzer. 100% probability of intercept (POI) for signals with durations as short as >15 ?s.
KEYSIGHT N9935A 9 GHz FieldFox Microwave Spectrum Analyzer
N9935A is a portable battery-operated microwave spectrum analyzer; configurations also include full band tracking generator and preamplifier, interference analyzer, time gating, VSWR and reflection measurements, and built-in power meter.
KEYSIGHT N9936A 14 GHz FieldFox Microwave Spectrum Analyzer
N9936A is a portable battery-operated microwave spectrum analyzer; configurations also include full band tracking generator and preamplifier, interference analyzer, time gating, VSWR and reflection measurements, and built-in power meter.
KEYSIGHT N9937A 18 GHz FieldFox Microwave Spectrum Analyzer
N9937A is a portable battery-operated microwave spectrum analyzer; configurations also include full band tracking generator and preamplifier, interference analyzer, time gating, VSWR and reflection measurements, and built-in power meter.
KEYSIGHT N9938A 26.5 GHz FieldFox Microwave Spectrum Analyzer
N9938A is a portable battery-operated microwave spectrum analyzer; configurations also include full band tracking generator and preamplifier, interference analyzer, time gating, VSWR and reflection measurements, and built-in power meter.
KEYSIGHT Y1243A Cable Kit for M9301A LO Distribution
Used to distribute the four LO outputs from an M9301A PXIe Synthesizer so that all LO outputs are phase coherent.