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KEYSIGHT 85540A 40 GHz ambient temperature CalPod

A CalPod calibration refresh module (85540A) for ambient temperature (benchtop) applications.

KEYSIGHT 85541A 40 GHz Temp Characterized CalPod

A CalPod calibration refresh module (85541A) for use in applications over wide temperature ranges.

KEYSIGHT 85542A 40 GHz TVAC CalPod

A CalPod calibration refresh module (85542A) for use in thermal-vacuum chamber applications.

KEYSIGHT 85553A 2 meter CalPod drive cable

These cables are supplied with the 85540/41/42A CalPod modules.

KEYSIGHT 85554A 10 meter CalPod drive cable extension

This is an optional cable that can be used to extend the length of the CalPod control cables.

KEYSIGHT 85555A Splitter Drive Cable 2M

This cable is supplied with the 85556A CalPod control cable splitter.

KEYSIGHT 85556A 1×12 Fan Out Cable Splitter

The 85556A CalPod control cable splitter is used when it is desirable to control more than four CalPod calibration refresh modules.
