KEYSIGHT N1012A OIF CEI 3.1 application for DCA-X Oscilloscope
Quickly perform OIF CEI 3.1 compliance testing up to 28Gb/s for nearly 120 parameters using the N1012A application
KEYSIGHT N1019A User Defined Application tool for DCA-X Oscilloscope
Quickly generate automated test applications for the 86100D DCA-X Wide-Bandwidth Oscilloscope
KEYSIGHT N5392B Energy Efficient Ethernet compliance software
The N5392B Ethernet 10/100/1G Compliance Software with Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) for Infiniium Series provides you with a fast and easy way to verify and debug your 1000BASE-T, 100BASE-TX and 10BASE-T EEE designs.
KEYSIGHT N6467A BroadR-Reach compliance application for Infiniium scopes
The N6467A BroadR-Reach compliance application for Infiniium oscilloscopes simplifies and accelerates automotive BroadR-Reach technology standards testing.