KEYSIGHT B2983A Femto/Picoammeter, 0.01fA, Battery
The B2983A is a battery powered graphical picoammeter that confidently measures current with down to 0.01 fA resolution. It features trend chart (roll view) and histogram view to capture transient behavior and make quick statistical analyses.
KEYSIGHT E9287A Spare battery pack for EPM Power Meter
The Keysight E9287A spare battery is for use with the EPM Power Meters option 001 and the EPM-P Power meters option K01.
KEYSIGHT N1418A Lithium-ion battery pack for B2983/B2987
The N1418A is a battery pack for B2983A Femto/Picoammeter and B2987A Electrometer/High Resistance Meter. It is the same battery furnished with these products. N1419A, Benchtop battery charger can be used when charging the battery individually.
KEYSIGHT N6785A Source/Measure Unit for Battery Drain Analysis, multiple ranges, 80 W, dbl-wide
The N6785A is a source/measure unit (SMU) designed specifically for battery drain analysis of large mobile, battery-powered devices up to 20 V, up to 8 A, up to 80 W.