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Advantest TR5822 120MHz universal counter

Reciprocal Counting Method GO–NO GO Decisions, Scaling and Other Operations Can Be Done On Measurement Results (With TR1644)  Models

Aeroflex 6912 Power Sensor 4.2GHz

Frequency range 30 kHz to 4,2 GHz, power range -30 dBm to +20 dBm (1 µW to 100 mW).

Advantest R3131 3GHz Spectrum Analyzer

The Advantest R3131 Spectrum Analyzer meets the frequency needs of both PCS and cellular wireless standards. The Advantest R3131 is

Advantest U3741A 3GHz Spectrum Analyzer

Wireless LAN networks, cellular telephones, contactless smart cards, terrestrial digital broadcasts – all of them have become a part of
